youth sports
Hockey Lessons
Supervisor: Abby Sacks | Coordinator: Dan Seltzer
Goalie Bears
Our goalie class will introduce you to the equipment
and fundamentals of playing goalie in a hockey game.
Players in this program should also sign up for the Ice
Bears Prep League to gain practical experience in a
fun, game-based setting. Ages 6-14
Skills & Drills
is class is recommended for skaters in Mighty Cub
2, 3, 4, or Ice Bears. Focus on hockey specific skills
in small class size through fun and interactive drills.
Ages 6-14
Power Skating
is class is recommended for skaters in Mighty Cub
4 or Ice Bears. Ages 6-14
Ice Bears Prep League
is class consists of structured, cross-ice
scrimmages where coaches work with players to
improve the basics of organized team play such as
teamwork, position, and rules of the game. Players
are encouraged to take this program in conjunction
with a PDOP Hockey Academy Class. Players must
be enrolled in Mini/Mighty Cub 2 OR be proficient
skaters. NOTE: All players enrolled in Mighty Cub 3
or 4 are automatically enrolled in this class.
Ages 5-14
Fall 1
9/5/23 - 10/22/23
7 Weeks: Res Fee $126 - Fee $146
Skills & Drills (Ages 6-13)
Day Time Day Time
W 4:55 - 5:35P Sa 2:25 - 3:05P
Power Skating (Ages 6-13)
Day Time Day Time
W 5:35 - 6:15P Sa 3:45 - 4:25P
Ice Bears Prep League (Ages 5-14)
Day Time Day Time
Sa 3:05 - 3:45P
Goalie Bears (Ages 6-14)
Day Time Day Time
Fall 2
10/23/23 - 12/15/23
*6 Weeks: Res Fee $108 - Fee $128
7 Weeks: Res Fee $126 - Fee $146
Skills & Drills (Ages 6-13)
Day Time Day Time
W 4:55 - 5:35P Sa* 2:25 - 3:05P
Power Skating (Ages 6-13)
Day Time Day Time
W 5:35 - 6:15P Sa* 3:45 - 4:25P
Ice Bears Prep League (Ages 5-14)
Day Time Day Time
Sa* 3:05 - 3:45P
Goalie Bears (Ages 6-14)
Day Time Day Time
1/6/24 - 2/22/24
9 Weeks: Res Fee $162 - $182
Skills & Drills (Ages 6-13)
Day Time Day Time
W 4:55 - 5:35P Sa 2:25 - 3:05P
Power Skating (Ages 6-13)
Day Time Day Time
W 5:35 - 6:15P Sa 3:45 - 4:25P
Ice Bears Prep League (Ages 5-14)
Day Time Day Time
Sa 3:05 - 3:45P
Goalie Bears (Ages 6-14)
Day Time Day Time
Skate Rental $3 per class. Punch Pass available: 10 rentals for $20